Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Love me or hate me. Either way I'm on your mind!!
Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere!!
love to make her weak
alcohol to make her strong
best friends when both make her hit the floor!!
a true man romances the same girl for the rest of her life.
cute, full of crap, and can always be replaced :)
iM !!!!
guRlz r0ckz!
. .
ThErE AiN'T NoBoDy HoTtA!
Im wanted, Im hot, Im everything your not!!!!
life is a fairytail you just have to get past the evil step mother part
Hi. I am probably home. I'm just avoiding someone I don't like. Leave me a message, and if I don't call back, it's you.
* I love this quote - do you like it? *
L oose
O nce
V omit
E nemies
........ WhAtS sO gOoD aBoUt ThAt!!
They told me all about you
They told me you were free
They told me you were great
The perfect one for me
Don't think of it as losing, think of it as getting beat by a girl
If YoU dOn'T LiKe WhAt YoU SeE...OoPs...
I fOrGoT EvErYoNe LiKeS wHaT tHeY SeE
If ThEy'Re LoOkInG aT Me!!!!!!!!
Men r not pigs... pigs are cute, conciderate, and caring.
Ok, angels are all good and stuff? Where's the fun in that?
I was here for you so long, now that you want me, i've moved on, found somebody new, he's even better then you
First God created man...THEN HE HAD A BETTER IDEA!!
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juz say y0u l0ve mie baby!
ROseZ Smell Good Yet they die, i Will Be truthful UnleSs u liEº
~if u luv me tell me itz tru~
~if u don't i'll still luv u~
I dont come with dice-so dont play me.
×hE AbUsEz HeR w/ HuGz N' KiSsEz×
i never really noticed, i never really cared, how much i luv u, but now it's different, and i just want to say...I LOVE YOU! ~
I Set My Eyes On Da QTest Guy, Neva Thinkin He'd Make Me Cry
Guyz r like roller coasters....they eitha make u sick to ur stomach or give u the time time of your life!-
I'm hot and you know it..wait let me rephrase that..
I'm hot and you never seem to notice!
La La La I'm Not Listening To you And I Never Will!
If love was like a war..I'm glad I surrendered myself to you.
I'm SwEeT as HeAvEn, I'm HoT as HeLl, I'm the FiNeSt GuRl, as U can TeLL!!!
2 sweet + 2 b = 4gotten
I mAy nOt Be a bLoNd bUt i SuRe aM dUmB!!~
Mommy and Daddy think ure precious but man ure WILD!!
~ Rose's Are Red ~
~ Violets Are Blue~
~ The Sun Is Hot ~
~ And So Are U ~
Everyone is meant for someone...I believe that you are my someone...
This is an inside joke and ur on the outside!